Most frequent questions and answers

Go to your account and click on the ‘Edit profile’ button. Here you can chance a range of elements of your account including your password.

This is probably an issue with your browser chache (it’s reloading an old version of the page). 

Either change your browser or clear your browser cache:


Refresh your cache


Go to the ‘My account page’and look for your list of courses. Once you have completed one you’ll see a blue wax seal icon under the ‘Certificate’ column. Click on the icon.

You should be aware of the browser you use. Firefox tends to work the best, Safari or Chrome are pretty good (though Chrome updates can cause problems) and some users have found Microsoft Edge works well. Sometimes it’s a case of trying them out – o download them click on the below links:




Microsoft Edge 

If your question is about the technical side of the course (pages not loading etc) then email:

nicolas@e-coach.co.uk or use the Live Chat Function

Need help?

Technical Assistance


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